Interior Design Website Design Checklist

13 Min Read

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If you are an interior designer and want to learn how to create an interior designer website, then this article is for you. 

The first thing to consider is why you need a website. If your business is small, then maybe it doesn’t matter as much. However, if you’re an interior designer with a large client list and are looking for new clients, having a website will help grow your business.

It’s important for people who want to hire an interior designer to know more about them before deciding which company they want to work with. 

A good way of doing this is by providing detailed information about yourself and your skills through your interior designer website or social media websites. 

This article will cover the complete guide for creating an interior design website checklist so that you can get started with yours today!

Key Takeaways

  • An interior design website is one of the best marketing tools an interior designer can get.
  • This list has all the necessary elements every interior design website should have, such as domain, homepage, About Us page, etc.

Do Interior Designers Need Websites? 

If you’re an interior designer and have no website, it’s time to get one. There are several reasons why having an online presence is essential for your business:

  • You can market yourself online.
  • You can get more traffic to your website.
  • Your potential clients will be able to find you easily on Google or Bing search results (or any other search engine).

It can help you to gain more customers, it helps you to showcase your services and products, and it also helps you in getting more leads. 

A good interior design website will enhance the professionalism of your brand, as it showcases all your services, shows pictures of interiors that have been designed and built by you or by other companies who use your interior design website designs for their projects. 

Another important aspect of having a website is that it helps people share their experiences with others through social media platforms like Google+, Facebook etc. which create awareness among potential clients about what kind of services you offer. 

Not only that, but a website can help you get organic traffic and real people. Many advertisement tactics will have a high reach, but you won’t notice any increase in sales. 

Opposite of that, a good interior design website will bring you people interested in your work and interior design as a whole. It will redirect them to your social media or other platforms, so you’ll have a greater chance of getting a customer.

Finally, a website that contains all the necessary information about your business will reduce the time you’d spend talking to potential customers. 

If anyone is interested in specific information, such as price, working hours, or any other details, they will be able to read it on your website instead of asking you directly. 

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What Should an Interior Design Website Include?

Here are some of the pages that your website design for interior designers should include:

  • Home Page
  • About Page
  • Gallery Page
  • Blog Page
  • Contact Page

You may need to include additional pages such as the services section, testimonials section, team page, etc. 

How Do I Create an Interior Design Website?

There are different ways you can create a website for your interior design business:

  • Template design – A template is an existing website built around a specific theme (like “modern”). You can use the same design for multiple sites, but each one will look slightly different because of its own unique features like color schemes and fonts used on each page. Sites such as Framer or Wix have plenty of website templates available and are suitable for beginners.
  • Custom design from scratch – If you want something truly unique for your business or portfolio website (and who doesn’t?), this might be what you’re looking for! In this case, we’d suggest hiring an experienced designer who has worked with both small businesses and large corporations before; they’ll know how best to create something tailored specifically toward what your company needs.

While developing interior designer websites, there are certain things that you have to consider:


Your domain name is the URL of your interior designer website. It’s what people type into their browsers to get there, and it should be easy to remember and spell. 

If you want to pick something that will be easier for customers to remember, try using a phrase such as “the name of your company + interior design,” or maybe even “the name of your company + interiors.” 

It might seem too long on its own, but with some creative marketing ideas it could still work out really well!

Consider using an acronym if possible—these are much easier for people. 

Acronyms are also helpful when building links between websites. Just make sure thateveryone knows what each word means!

Website Hosting 

You have to find a developer who is experienced in the field of interior design. 

You might want to find one who has been recommended by other interior designers. They must have a portfolio of successful projects, preferably from different companies or clients (if possible). This will help you see examples of what they’ve done and how they’ve handled them.

Make sure to ask about the overall cost of hiring their services so that you can compare it with other options and make an informed decision about which will work best for your business needs.


When you decide to start your own website, the first thing you need to do is select a hosting service. 

This is where your site files and all of its content will be stored on the server for viewing by web users. You can also choose from several different types of web hosting services, including: 

  • Shared hosting plans, or 
  • VPS (virtual private server) virtual dedicated servers.

The amount of space available on the server depends on how much RAM it has installed in each machine within the computer cluster; more RAM means more storage capacity needed by any given application running on that system at one time. 

If there aren’t enough resources available then certain functions may not function correctly until additional resources become available.


Your homepage is the first thing people see when they visit your site. It’s the most important page on your website, and it’s also where you’ll have one-third of all Google search results for “interior design.”

You want to make sure that any potential clients or customers who land on this page can immediately see what makes you different from other companies in the industry—and why they might want to work with you.

Pages for Specific Services 

You should have different pages for different sections, depending on the type of visitor you are trying to attract. 

For example, for the website design for interior designers, it’s important to make sure there’s a separate section dedicated entirely to articles about interior design methods or trends.

These types of articles are usually found in magazines or newspapers rather than online—so they’ll be more likely to attract more readership if they’re on their own page instead!

Don’t forget to make sure these pages have important interior design keywords that can help your website rank higher on Google search.

About Us Page 

The About Us page is among the most important pages on your interior design website. It’s where you introduce yourself and let visitors know about who you are and what you do. 

The purpose of this section is to give potential clients an idea of what kind of work you do and why they should hire your company instead of another one. 

You need to include information that shows off both who is behind the company (the owner or owners) as well as what services you offer.

Contact Page 

A Contact Us page is important for all types of sites, but it’s especially important for the design website for interior design companies. Here are some reasons why:

  • You need to have a phone number on your website so that your customers can call you directly. This is especially true if you’re selling products or services through an online store with an order form and checkout process that requires payment by credit card.
  • It’s nice to have an email address on your site so that potential clients can contact you if they have questions or concerns about their project—or simply just want to say hello or subscribe to your newsletter!
  • If there’s an issue with something on the website (like a broken link), having live chat available 24/7 means that someone will always be available at any time of day or night. So, in case something goes wrong while they’re browsing around looking at photos of kitchens or bathrooms, or they want some help to decide what kind of look they’d like in their own home, they can get the answer.

An Easy to Find and Use Main Navigation 

The navigation is the key to a good user experience. Your website should be easy-to-use, consistent across pages, visible at all times, clear and intuitive

Navigation can take many forms: a main menu or drop-down menu near the top of your interior design website design; multiple columns of links on each page (like those found in most blogs); etc. 

When designing your interior design website, make sure that you include an intuitive navigation system so that users can easily navigate around your site without having to think too much about it.

Consistent Colors and a Catchy Design 

Consistent colors and a catchy design are important for branding, attracting visitors and making your website easy to use. Think about this way—you are running an interior design business. So, if you have a website that doesn’t have good design and colors, your customers will not trust your skills.

SSL Certificate 

SSL Certificate is critical in ensuring security and trust on your website. 

When a user visits your site, they will see the green bar at the top of their browser that indicates that everything is secure. This helps build brand recognition, as well as customer satisfaction by providing an assurance that you are safe to buy from.

In addition to this, SSL certificates are important for SEO purposes because it shows Google that you have high-quality content on your site so that it can rank higher in search results.

Links to Social Profiles 

Social media is a great way to interact with potential clients. It’s also a great way to get your name out there and it gives you an opportunity to showcase all the great things you do. 

You can use social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest as an opportunity to:

  • Get feedback and reviews from clients,
  • Get new customers, and
  • Hear client’s questions about what they want in their new home or office space. 

You’ll be able to answer them quickly and easily on these platforms, which will make them feel like they are part of the process too!


The logo is the face of your company. It should be memorable, simple and scalable. 

It should be easy for people to read, understand and reproduce on every medium which you use it on (e.g., printed material, interior design website designs templates).


Blogging is the best way to connect with your audience. It can help you build your brand and reputation, build authority, credibility, and online presence.

Blogging helps you connect with potential clients. When someone lands on your website for the first time and sees that there are no blog posts on it, they might be confused as to why your website doesn’t have any content at all. 

This makes them feel like they’re missing out on something important or interesting in the interior design industry.

A Clear Value Proposition with Call To Action 

A call to action is a button or link that encourages users to take an action. In the case of your interior design website, this could be anything from “Learn More” to “Buy Now!” 

The call to action should be clear and easy for the user to understand so they know what you want them to do next.

You should place this at the top of your website so it’s visible from all angles when someone scrolls down through their browser window or opens up on another tab/window (if applicable). 

If you’re using social media as part of your content marketing strategy, then having a clear call-to-action link on each page would help increase conversions by directing people towards buying now!

High-Quality Images 

High-quality images are important for your interior design website. They can make or break your website. Images are what people remember from their experience on the site. 

If you have great content, but low-quality images, then it’s not going to be as memorable for them as it would have been if you had good content and high-quality photos (or video). 

Images also play a big role in how visitors share their experiences with others via social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. 

The more often someone shares an image of yours on these sites, the better chance you have at being seen by potential clients who might be interested in working with you.

Traffic Source

Make sure that you have multiple traffic sources. This is the number one thing that helps interior designer websites rank higher in search results and increase traffic

You can do this by having social media accounts, blogs, etc. Just make sure that there are at least two or three different ways people can find you online (and if not, then get started).

Check out our Guide to Marketing an Interior Design Business to learn how to explode your growth this year.

We hope this checklist will help you to create a great website for your interior design business. When it comes down to putting together a new site, there are many things to consider. But if you follow our tips and examples, you’ll have everything covered in no time.

Contact us today to discuss web design for your business.

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