How to Get Landscaping Customers? 22 Supercharged Ideas for Growth

14 Min Read
content about how to get more landscaping customers and this is the vlog cover photo showing a guy with a weed wacker in the grass

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Starting your own landscaping or lawn care business can be incredibly exciting, especially if becoming an entrepreneur has been your dream for years. But simply starting a landscaping business is not enough. It is just the first step toward achieving your dream of becoming a successful lawn care business owner.

The real journey begins once you open the doors of your business and start planning how to get new customers. As a new business, finding your first couple of customers can be challenging. This is why knowing how to get landscaping customers is essential. And that’s what this blog post is all about!

In conclusion, the best way to get landscaping customers is through a combination of online presence and community engagement. Establishing a robust online presence with an SEO-optimized website, engaging social media profiles, and targeted online advertising ensures that potential clients can find your landscaping services when they search online. Studies have shown that the top Google search result gets 22.4% of all clicks. 

Today, we will share 22 supercharged ideas for getting more customers to your lawn care business. Whether you are looking for cost-effective ideas or want to get started with digital marketing for your business, we have the best ideas for you. Read on!

Key Takeaways for Promoting Your Landscaping Business

  1. Leverage Low-Cost Strategies: Utilize cost-effective methods such as networking in your community, encouraging word-of-mouth through lawn signs, and maximizing referral programs.
  2. Implement Traditional Tactics: Invest in eye-catching vehicle signage, distribute business cards and flyers, and sponsor local events to enhance brand visibility.
  3. Adopt Digital Marketing: Focus on social media marketing, SEO optimization, and email campaigns to connect with your audience online and showcase your work effectively.
  4. Stand Out with Quality Service: Providing exceptional customer service and showcasing your unique landscaping projects helps differentiate your company in a crowded market.
  5. Utilize Visual Content: Share before-and-after photos, informative videos, and engaging visuals on social media and your website to attract and retain customers.
  6. Focus on Specialization: Highlighting specialized services or eco-friendly practices can make your landscaping company more appealing to potential clients.
  7. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Stay informed about industry trends and customer preferences to keep your services relevant and appealing.

Cheap Low Barrier to Entry Ideas

1. Leave Flyers on People’s Doors and Local Billboards

Using flyers and billboards are some of the oldest but most effective and budget-friendly measures of promoting a business. If you are short on money and looking to attract more customers to your business, consider leaving flyers on people’s doors and putting up local billboards to get the word out!

To get the most out of your flyers and billboard ads, make them vibrant and attractive. Include all the necessary information, like your services and contact details. Distribute them to neighborhoods with your ideal customers, and consider putting up billboards in high-traffic areas to increase visibility. If you don’t have too much knowledge of graphic design, you can use a tool like Canva to easily create the flyers. 

2. Network in Your Community

Maximize your local network to effortlessly attract landscaping customers by actively participating in community gatherings and business groups. Engage in local events, become a member of nearby business associations, and immerse yourself in community activities to build b connections. 

This approach not only positions you as a go-to landscaping expert but also opens up avenues for invaluable word-of-mouth referrals. Demonstrating your knowledge and passion for landscaping at these events can significantly enhance your local reputation and visibility.

Effective Networking Strategies:

  1. Attend Local Business Mixers
  2. Join Community Improvement Projects
  3. Participate in Local Trade Shows
  4. Offer Workshops on Landscaping Tips
  5. Collaborate with Local Businesses
  6. Sponsor Neighborhood Events

3. Partner with Other Local Service Providers

Another excellent way to make more customers aware of your landscaping business is by partnering up with other local businesses that offer services related to yours. This can include service providers like gardeners or outdoor maintenance companies. By working together with such complementary businesses, access can be gained to their customer pool and potential clients can be found.

4. Convince Your Clients to Rep Lawn Signs

Make your happy customers act as representatives of your business by encouraging them to show off your lawn signs. It is a fantastic way to leverage word-of-mouth advertising. Seeing your signs will draw new customers who want to use your services.

Further Benefits of Lawn Signs:

  • Serve as Daily, Visible Endorsements
  • Boost Brand Recognition Locally
  • Inexpensive Marketing Tool
  • Generate Leads in Target Areas
  • Reflect Professionalism and Pride
  • Encourage Conversations About Your Services

5. Put Ads on Your Trucks

When thinking about how to get more lawn care customers, have you ever considered using your work vehicles to get your landscaping business noticed?

Consider putting attractive, colorful, attention-grabbing ads on your trucks, vans, or trailers to ensure your services are seen while you’re around town. Don’t forget to include your contact information so people can easily contact you.

6. Offer Free Estimates and Consultations

Free estimates and consultations are a great way to attract potential customers and showcase your landscaping expertise. This will also allow you to visit their properties and understand the houses in your neighborhood.

When you or your team visits the properties of potential customers to offer free estimates, make sure to give them your best services. Take the time to figure out their particular needs and make customized recommendations. By providing top-notch, personalized service, you create trust and boost your chances of getting hired for an actual paid project.

7. Leave Your Business Cards at Local Nurseries and Hardware Stores

Next, consider leaving your business cards at local nurseries and hardware stores. Request the store owners to share your business card with anyone interested in sprucing up their outdoor space and seeking professional help. It’s an excellent way to get customers to your lawn care company.

8. Host Workshops

Consider hosting free workshops or informational sessions for the people of your community. This is a great way to show off your landscaping expertise and promote your business while also offering some valuable knowledge to the people.

You can host such workshops at community centers, libraries, or even your own company office. Give helpful advice, answer queries, and get into it with those who show up. It’s an excellent opportunity to make connections with potential customers on a personal level.

Traditional Landscaping and Lawn Care Growth Ideas

9. Sponsor and Set Up a Table at Local Events

Attending local events like fairs, festivals, and trade shows is a great way to network with people and promote your landscaping business. But you can take it a notch higher by sponsoring a booth or table or setting up your table to show off your work.

This will allow you to get to know the attendees, hand out brochures yourself, and collect contact information from people who seem interested. Not only will this help generate leads, but it will also give your business more visibility.

10. Sponsor Local Youth Sports

Sponsoring local youth sports teams or leagues can benefit your landscaping business in many ways. Firstly, you will be able to the community and show that you care. Secondly, as a sponsor, you’ll get the opportunity to show off the company logo on team jerseys, banners, or signs on the field. This way, you can advertise your services to the parents, families, and fans who attend the games.

11. Rent a Billboard

Renting a billboard is a traditional marketing idea that still works like a charm! Start by identifying areas with lots of foot or vehicle traffic, then get your lawn care business out there with a billboard! Design an eye-catching ad with an engaging message that will make customers want to reach out to you. Ensure you include your website URL or contact number, address, etc., so people can easily get in touch.

12. Get on the Boards at Your Local Ice Rink

Does your neighborhood have an ice rink? If yes, why not consider sponsoring a board or getting an advertising spot there? Ice rinks are among the most popular destinations, with people of all ages and backgrounds.

From families to teenagers to sports fans, and recreational skaters, you can find everyone on ice rinks. Thus, getting on the board is a great way to get people interested in your landscaping services.

13. Sponsor Church Newsletters

Another excellent way to get more customers for your lawn care business is by sponsoring a church newsletter. Consider contacting a few local churches and see if you can sponsor their newsletters or place an ad in their bulletins. It will help you reach out to their members and get the word out about your business.

14. Use Direct Mail

Direct mail isn’t dead yet. It can be a powerful way to market your business if you use it correctly. We recommend designing postcards or brochures that show off your services. Then, target neighborhoods or groups of people that fit the profile of your ideal customer. Make sure you include a call to action, like a coupon or a free consultation, to get people to reach out to you.

15. Buy Print Ads in Local Newspapers

Even in today’s internet-friendly age, a large number of individuals prefer reading newspapers. So, to reach a wider audience, consider placing ads in local newspapers. For the best results, ensure your ads have catchy headlines and concise messages highlighting the advantages of choosing your landscaping business.

Digital Marketing Tactics to Use

16. Social Media Marketing

Social media stands as a powerful channel for engaging your target market in the landscaping industry. Develop focused marketing strategies for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to exhibit your landscaping projects, share expert advice, and foster relationships with potential clients. Utilizing visuals and videos is key to demonstrating your expertise and attracting attention.

Effective Social Media Content Ideas:

  • Before-and-After Project Photos
  • Seasonal Lawn Care Tips Videos
  • Live Q&A Sessions on Lawn Maintenance
  • Customer Testimonial Highlights
  • Time-Lapse Videos of Projects
  • Interactive Polls on Design Preferences

17. Invest in SEO

If you’re looking to get your landscaping services noticed without spending a lot of money, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the way to go. Research relevant keywords related to your services and sprinkle them throughout your website content.

Further, don’t forget to leverage local keywords to optimize your website for local SEO. Optimize your website’s structure, meta tags, and headings to help it rank higher in search engine results.

18. Paid Online Advertising

If you are willing to spend a little bit of money, paid advertising can be worth it. You can leverage Google Ads, social media ads, etc., to target people based on their interests, demographics, etc. Using targeted ads can go a long way in helping you attract more visitors to your website and get hired for lawn care services.

Google Ads Tutorials: Video Reach Campaigns for Efficient Reach

19. Local Content Marketing

Content is one of the most important aspects of online marketing. It can help you display your expertise and knowledge about lawn care and establish yourself as a reputable business in your region.

Create insightful, engaging, and entertaining content like blog posts, email content, articles, or video tutorials related to landscaping and lawn care. To make sure your content can be found in search engine results, use local keywords in it.

20. List in Directories like Angi

Creating a profile on online directories like Angi (formerly Angie’s List), HomeAdvisor, and Thumbtack for your landscaping business can help get your name out there. It also makes it easier for potential customers to find you. Include your services on these directories and request customers to leave good reviews.

21. Get Good Reviews on Platforms like Yelp

Online reviews are critical when it comes to influencing people’s decisions. So, consider encouraging your happy customers to leave reviews on sites like Yelp, Google My Business, and Facebook. It is a great way to build trust with future customers and enhance your business’s online reputation.

Don’t forget to respond to reviews quickly, regardless of whether they are positive or negative – it shows that you value your customers’ opinions.

22. Partner with Local Influencers

If you are wondering how to get landscaping customers quickly, reaching out to local influencers who have already established relationships with your target audience can be fantastic.

You can partner with gardening bloggers, YouTube influencers, social media personalities, etc. Partner with them to promote what you do or even feature your work on their platforms. This will help you reach their engaged followers and get your name out to a new crowd.

How can I promote my landscaping business?

Now that you have our top 22 tips on how to get landscaping clients, here are some additional strategies to promote your business effectively:

  • Get started by creating an attractive and professional-looking website for your customers. Make it mobile-friendly and list all your services, their prices, customer testimonials, etc., on it. This will make it easier for customers to understand your landscaping business and decide whether or not they want to hire you.
  • Share your expertise by creating blog posts and videos or hosting workshops! This will help you show everyone that you’re an expert in landscaping.
  • Offer free consultations or limited-time discounts on some of your lawn care services. This will create a sense of urgency in your target audience, and they might be tempted to hire you sooner rather than later.
  • When it comes to word-of-mouth advertising, nothing can beat top-notch customer service. Deliver amazing service to your clients and go above and beyond their expectations. Make sure they are delighted with your work, and they will surely recommend your landscaping company to their family and friends.

How do I make my landscaping company stand out?

Let’s face it – it is an incredibly competitive world out there. Even with the best strategies up your sleeve, you will still have to face competition from other landscaping businesses. So, to know how to get clients for the lawn care business, you have to make your business stand out. Here are some tips for the same:

  • If possible, along with offering general lawn care services, consider specializing in a niche as well. For example, you can offer complete sustainable gardening, lawn care for vertical gardens, and more. That way, you’ll be able to attract customers who are looking for something unique and specific.
  • The best way to get lawn care customers and stand out of the crowd is by coming up with creative service options or bundles that give customers more bang for their buck. For example, you can offer free design consultations or yearly maintenance plans.
  • To make your landscaping business stand out, build b relationships with your customers. Keep in touch with them, check in after the completion of your service, ask for feedback, and give them individual attention whenever possible.

Draw customers to your lawn care business with the help of these tips

So there you have it! Those were our 22 most effective ways to get more customers for your landscaping business and make it a raging success.

By following all (or even some) of these tactics, you can make your landscaping business stand out in a crowded market. This, in turn, will help you gain more customers and make your brand the go-to for top-notch landscaping services in your area.

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