Landscaper Advertising: 10 Ways to Get Seen

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If you are running a landscaping or lawn care business, you surely want your business to soar to new heights. Both small and large business owners want to maximize their profits and improve the visibility of their companies.

Advertising is one of the most effective ways to get landscaping leads, and the best and most popular way to advertise a landscaping business is through a strategic combination of digital marketing and local community engagement. By leveraging online platforms for targeted advertising campaigns, and making a visible impact within local communities, landscapers can significantly increase their visibility and attract a steady stream of new customers.

Key Takeaways for Landscapers to Get Clients

  1. Leverage Social Media and Online Presence: Utilize platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and maintain a professional website to attract and engage potential clients.
  2. Invest in Targeted Advertising: Use Google Ads and Bing Ads to reach customers actively searching for landscaping services.
  3. Implement a Referral Program: Encourage existing customers to refer new clients by offering incentives, and enhancing your customer base through trusted recommendations.
  4. Host Community Events: Increase visibility and connect directly with potential clients by organizing open houses or landscaping workshops.
  5. Build b Partnerships and Branding: Collaborate with local businesses for cross-promotion and focus on creating a memorable brand to stand out in a crowded market. 

How Do Landscapers Get Clients?

The landscaping business is a seasonal one, meaning the majority of your income is generated in a relatively short period. This makes timing highly critical when you are planning a new landscape advertising campaign. You should start your game plan way before the beginning of the spring season to attract more clients.

In this article, we have compiled a list of ten landscaping advertising ideas for you to incorporate among all the other ways to get new landscaping customers increase the reach of your business, and get seen by your target audience.

1. Utilizing Social Media

There is no denying that the world today revolves around social media, and so your customers. You should begin your landscaping advertising efforts on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. Uploading photos or short video clips of your new projects or sharing lawn care tips with your followers consistently are some of the most effective strategies, but if you’re new to social media posting, we’ve compiled a list of landscaping social media post ideas for you. Normally people think that social media means a lot of work but did you know that you can schedule your content? Here’s how:

How to Plan 1 Week of Social Media Content in 60 Minutes (Tools and Hacks)

You can also get your clients to tag you in their posts about landscaping. You can also try creating a YouTube channel with design or lawn care tips if you don’t mind being in front of the camera. Respond to comments and offer discounts to people who follow you.

2. Developing A b Online Presence

It is very important to have an online presence in this digital world for people to notice your business. Start a website if you do not already have one. You can integrate your website design with your daily work by showing off images of your stunning landscaping work on your website as part of your landscaping advertising campaign.

Include a comprehensive list of the different services you offer and their prices. Offer attractive discounts to your loyal clients. You can either opt for a website with a simple layout or if you want something special, you can even work with a designer.

Key elements to include on your website:

  • Showcase Project Galleries: Display high-quality photos of your landscaping projects.
  • List Services and Pricing: Provide clear information on what you offer and at what cost.
  • Offer Special Discounts: Reward loyal customers with exclusive discounts.
  • Simple vs. Custom Design: Choose between a straightforward layout or collaborate with a designer for a unique look.
  • Easy Navigation: Ensure your website is easy to explore, with services and contact info readily accessible.
  • Contact Information: Make it easy for potential clients to reach out for quotes or questions.

3. Investing In Google Ads And Bing Ads

Nowadays, most people turn to Google to search for businesses or services. Investing in Google Ads will make your business show up first in the results when someone near your business location searches for landscape services. This will help you to raise brand recognition and boost sales. If your target audience lies in the age range of 45+, you can also invest in Bing Ads, which is also a budget-friendly advertising option.

4. Creating A Referral Program

Implementing a referral program is a powerful strategy to expand your client base for your landscaping business. By offering rewards such as discounts, coupons, or gift cards to existing clients for referring your services, you tap into a network of potential customers. Given that 88% of Americans express a preference for receiving incentives for sharing products on social media, leveraging this desire can significantly boost word-of-mouth promotion. 

Motivating your customers to spread the word about your services not only increases your visibility but also builds trust with new clients through personal recommendations.

Key elements of a successful referral program:

  • Offer attractive incentives for referrals
  • Reward both the referrer and the referee
  • Simplify the referral process
  • Promote your referral program regularly
  • Track referrals and rewards promptly
  • Celebrate successful referrals publicly

5. Hosting Events And Open Houses

The easiest way to kick-start your lawn care advertising campaign is to host industry-specific or open-house events. Connect with the people in your community, attend local events and have discussions with the attendees. Talk about your services and listen to the various challenges your potential clients face. Offer them advice and show them how you can help.

Creating b relationships at these events will help you gain many loyal clients. You will also be able to meet other landscape service providers at these events, and you can take inspiration from their work.

6. Partnering With Local Businesses

Form partnerships with local businesses to widen your reach, receive relevant referrals, and gain a larger customer base. You can attempt to collaborate with companies in a relevant industry, like pest control companies or real estate brokers.

Offer special discounts or promo codes to customers who use the services of both you and your partner. You can also host joint community events with the businesses you are collaborating with to connect with all their customers.

7. Creating A b Brand

Your brand acts as the voice and soul of your landscaping business, communicating directly with your customers even before you do. It embodies not just your services, but the values and mission driving your landscaping business. Semrush defines brand identity as the emotional and psychological response triggered by encounters with your brand. It’s essential, then, to articulate your vision and values clearly, drawing customers who share and support your ethos.

Ways to enhance brand image through community involvement:

  • Sponsor local events
  • Donate services to charities
  • Maintain green spaces for nonprofits
  • Engage in community beautification projects
  • Participate in environmental conservation efforts
  • Host workshops on sustainable landscaping

By actively contributing to charitable causes and community projects, you not only bolster your brand image but also benefit from organic, word-of-mouth advertising, aligning your business with positive community impact.

8. Using Creative Landscaping Ads

Create unique and eye-catching ads that you can air on radio, TV, or social media platforms like YouTube to attract the attention of your clients. Running landscaping ads on TV and radio can also help you get the attention of clients who are not big on social media. These marketing strategies also assist you in setting yourself apart from rivals that disregard conventional advertising.

9. Measuring The Success Of Your Advertising Efforts

Creating and running a lawn care advertising plan is not enough; you should also be able to gauge its success. Track important performance metrics like click-through rates of your ads and the use of promotional codes. With the use of these insights, you can identify the most successful tactics and incorporate them into landscaping advertisement campaigns that are less successful.

Check out our guide to Landscaper Marketing to learn about other marketing channels you can use to grow.

10. Direct Mail Advertising

Many people still love getting direct mail, like postcards. Create a beautiful postcard detailing your services and deliver it to your customer’s doorsteps. You can share details like holiday events or discount coupons with your postcards to motivate clients to visit your business. Postcards are budget-friendly, and your clients will also be able to view the content without opening an envelope.


Running a profitable landscaping business is a challenge, especially if you are new to this field. Armed with the advertising tips we have discussed, the whole process will be a breeze for you. If you are looking for some professional help to realize the marketing dreams for your landscaping business, do not hesitate to contact us for a free marketing plan.
Looking to supercharge your landscaping business’s growth? Grab our Free Marketing Plan now. This comprehensive guide is packed with strategies tailored to boost your visibility, attract more clients, and elevate your business.

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