9 Landscaping Website Design Tips to Make Your Business Stand Out

13 Min Read

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If you’re a landscaping business owner, your website design must be top-notch so that you make a good impression on potential clients; among all the methods to get Landscaping leads, the website is the best one to promote your business and get landscaping customers.

The quality of your website’s design can have a profound impact on clients, especially in the landscaping industry. This is for good reason, besides, how can clients believe that you can be trusted to make their yards beautiful if you can’t even make your website nice? For this reason, the standards are high in the Landscaping industry. In this blog post, we’ll share nine tips for creating a website that stands out from the competition. Read on to learn more!

The best design tip to make your landscaping business stand out is ensuring your website’s readiness through simplicity and navigability. A clean, well-organized site that is easy to navigate not only enhances user experience but also significantly increases the likelihood of converting visitors into clients.

Key Takeaways for Landscaping Website Design

  1. Responsive Design is Crucial: Ensure your site looks great and functions smoothly across all devices to accommodate the majority of web users on mobile.
  2. High-quality visuals are Key: Utilize professional images and videos to effectively showcase your landscaping projects and attract potential clients.
  3. Clear Navigation Enhances User Experience: Implement an intuitive layout and easy-to-use menus so visitors can find information quickly and effortlessly.
  4. Regular Updates Keep Content Fresh: Continually refresh your site with new projects, blog posts, and testimonials to engage and retain visitors.
  5. Optimization Boosts Performance: Optimize your website’s loading times and mobile responsiveness to improve search rankings and user satisfaction. 

1. Use bright colors and interesting fonts to create a visually appealing website

When you’re designing a landscaping website, it’s important to create an aesthetically pleasing design that will not only grab the attention of visitors but also convey trust. 

One way to do this is by using bright colors and interesting fonts in your layout; there are plenty of ways for which you can use bold or differently-colored text on top navigation bars as well as readable font combinations throughout pages (even though they might look unfamiliar). 

If you’re not familiar with the color palette and don’t have a keen eye for color contrast, you can always use a tool to help you. A great tool for this is coolors.co it helps you combine, choose, and see how they’ll look on your website.

Have fun experimenting! All anyone asks from y’all when making these changes: don’t go too far overboard – remember our goal here was simply creativity with variety–and make sure everything remains easy enough so anyone can find what he/she wants quickly. 

2. Make sure your website is easy to navigate – people shouldn’t have to search for what they’re looking for

Navigation is one of the most important aspects when it comes to website design for a landscaping business. The goal should always be an easy and intuitive way for visitors to your site to find what they’re looking for without having too much trouble navigating through it or getting lost along their journey. 

Statistics reveal that a well-organized website can increase user engagement by up to 84% This underscores the necessity for clear, intuitive pathways that guide visitors to the information they seek without confusion or frustration.

Make sure that you have labels with clear names so people know exactly where each link takes them; this will help keep track while also making things simple enough that even those who don’t use technology can easily understand how everything works  – Use breadcrumbs (lines at the top telling someone about previous links) in order create simpler navigation capabilities which allow users more flexibility than ever before. 

  • Implement clear menu labels
  • Incorporate breadcrumb navigation
  • Organize content logically
  • Offer a search function for easy access
  • Ensure mobile-friendly navigation
  • Use dropdown menus for subcategories

Check out our Guide to Marketing a Landscaping Business to learn how to explode your growth this year.

3. Keep your website updated with the latest news and products/services you offer

A landscaper’s website is their digital business card – it’s one of the first impressions a potential customer will get of your business, and it’s important to make sure that it’s up-to-date and accurately reflects the products and services you offer. 

In today’s age, potential customers are likely to Google your business before they ever step foot on your property, so it’s important that your website design accurately represents what they will see when they do come in person. 

Include high-quality photos of your previous landscaping projects, as well as a description of the services you offer. If you’re planning on adding any new products or services soon, be sure to update your website accordingly so that potential customers know what to expect when they come to you for landscaping services. 

By keeping your website updated, you can ensure that potential customers have the best possible experience when they visit your landscaping business – and that they’ll be back for more in the future.

Check our article Landscaping Advertising Tips to learn more about this topic and more tips to get you more customers.

4. Make use of images and videos to showcase your work

The best way to showcase your work is by using high-quality images and videos. Potential customers need these visuals so they can see what you’re capable of, which makes it essential for companies like landscaping firms that have websites as their first point of contact with clients! 

But this isn’t just about showing off; having any old pictures or shaky cam footage on the site would be boring because people want interesting content visitors return later when looking at other things (I’m talking about YOU). It’s also important not only to choose wisely from all available options but to make sure those picks fit into the overall design scheme nicely too.

To ensure your visual content captivates and retains customer interest, follow these steps:

  1. Select High-Quality Photos: Choose clear, professional images that highlight the detail and quality of your work.
  2. Incorporate Before and After Shots: Show the transformation your services can provide.
  3. Use Videos Wisely: Embed short, well-edited videos that tell a story or showcase projects.
  4. Update Regularly: Keep your gallery fresh with new projects to encourage repeat visits.
  5. Optimize for Load Speed: Ensure images and videos are optimized to not slow down your site.
  6. Align with Brand Image: Make sure all visual content fits with the overall design and brand aesthetic.

Remember, the aim is not just to fill your site with any visuals but to strategically select content that aligns with your brand and appeals to your target demographic. By doing so, you turn your landscaping website into a powerful portfolio that not only displays your work but also enhances your site’s overall user experience, encouraging potential clients to choose your services.

5. Create a blog on your website so customers can learn more about you and your business

Most website visitors are looking for information about a company before they decide to buy from them. A blog is a great way to provide useful information about your business, products, or services. It also helps to build trust and rapport with potential customers. 

When designing a landscaping website, be sure to include a blog so that customers can learn more about you and your business. Use it to share helpful tips, showcase your work, or highlight satisfied customers. By taking the time to educate website visitors, you’ll be more likely to convert them into paying customers.

6. Offer customer support through online chat or email

Helpful landscaping websites provide customer support, whether through online chat or email. This is beneficial for both the business and its clients because it ensures that customers can get help on time without having to wait on hold all day at one time when they need assistance! 

It also shows how much value these companies put into your opinion by going above-and-beyond just providing you with service excellence; now we know there’s no problem too big if our little voices haven’t been heard yet–we’ll come back soon enough! 

7. Make sure your website is responsive and looks good on all screen sizes 

Given that the majority of web traffic now comes from mobile devices, it’s essential to make sure your website is responsive and looks good on all screen sizes. A responsive design ensures that regardless of whether a potential client is viewing your site on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer, the experience is seamless and engaging. 

This adaptability not only improves user satisfaction but also contributes to higher search engine rankings, as Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites. In the context of landscaping website design, where visual appeal plays a significant role in showcasing your services, maintaining image quality and layout integrity across devices is crucial for captivating your audience.

To achieve a responsive and universally appealing website, consider the following steps:

  1. Employ Flexible Grid Layouts: Ensure your site’s layout adjusts smoothly to different screen resolutions.
  2. Use Media Queries: Tailor your CSS to respond to various device conditions, like screen size.
  3. Optimize Images for Fast Loading: Compress images without losing quality for quicker page loads on mobile devices.
  4. Test on Multiple Devices: Regularly check how your site appears and functions on different devices and browsers.
  5. Implement Touch-Friendly Navigation: Make sure buttons and links are easily clickable on touch screens.
  6. Prioritize Content Hierarchy: Arrange information so that the most important messages are visible without excessive scrolling.

Elementor Responsive 101: All You Need to Know!

8. Invest in SEO 

As any landscaping business owner knows, having a website is essential for marketing your company to potential customers. However, simply having a website is not enough – you also need to make sure that your site is visible to potential customers when they search for landscaping services online. That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. 

By investing in SEO for your landscaping website, you can help to ensure that your site appears near the top of search results, making it more likely to be seen by prospective customers. 

In addition, SEO can help to improve the quality of your website traffic, since people who find your site via search engines are more likely to be interested in your services than those who stumble upon it by accident. As a result, investing in SEO is a smart way to market your landscaping business and attract more high-quality leads. 

9. Have a Clear Call To Action  

A landscaping website should have a clear call to action for users. This means that visitors should be able to easily see and understand what you want them to do when they are on your site. For example, if you want them to call you to set up an appointment, your phone number should be prominently displayed. If you want them to fill out a contact form, the form should be easy to find and simple to fill out. You do/not want to make visitors get frustrated and contact your competitor. 

Having a clear call to action makes it more likely that visitors will take the desired action, whether it is calling you, filling out a form, or making a purchase. After all, what is the point of having a website if you aren’t generating more leads for your business? This is well worth the investment.


Website design is one of the most important aspects of your online marketing strategy. It’s the first thing people see when they visit your site, and if it isn’t visually appealing or easy to navigate, they may leave before ever learning about what you have to offer. That’s why we’ve put together these 9 landscaping website design tips – so you can create a website that not only looks great but also helps you generate more leads and sales. 
If you need help putting any of these tips into action, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Our team of experts would be happy to help you create a stunning website that represents your business in the best light possible. You can also get our Free Marketing Plan today.

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