8 Interior Design Email Marketing Stats Interior Designers Need to Know

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Ready to hit your marketing goals?

Social media, webinars, video/audio campaigns – we are constantly bombarded by these new-age terms and made to feel that if we are not on, say, the webinar train we are missing out on serious business.

You will see a lot of business owners spend large chunks of their time dabbling in Facebook and Instagram lives and even Twitter Spaces. But do these things result in an actual increase in business and sales? In most cases, the answer to this question is no.

Participating in webinars and being active on social media is well and good to network. And yes, as a business owner, you should explore new avenues. 

But unless its potential in proven webinars just cannot (and should not) replace the most effective marketing tool at your disposal: email marketing.

Key Takeaway:

  • Email marketing means sending out details about your business over email.
  • Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach customers.
  • Sending interior designer’s information via email helps build customer loyalty, increase brand awareness, and create a sense of trust.

What is email marketing?

It may sound dated but email marketing is that old, trustworthy friend of yours that always delivers. 

At its very core, email marketing means sending out details about your business like the services you offer, working hours, new offers, and updates to your customers over email.

When it comes to interior design, email marketing is one of the most efficient forms of advertising. It has a higher ROI than any other type of interior design ad, making it a great budget option. 

Not only that, but when united with other tools such as amazing social media profiles and proper SEO, email marketing can help designers build their brands rather quickly.

There are many benefits to email marketing, but the most important ones are:

  • Cost efficiency,
  • Audience ownership, and
  • Personal communication.

Your audience remains even if you lose your social media, as you can keep mailing lists on various platforms. 

Why interior design email marketing makes sense

Interior Designing is both an art and a science. An interior designer can help enhance the beauty of a building’s interiors and take it to another level. Planning, researching, coordinating, managing — an interior designer who runs his or her own business does it all.

Emails as a means of marketing blends itself perfectly into the world of interior design. Speaking about your projects, your design, your vision — you can do it all effectively and efficiently over email. 

From creating interior designer email lists, interior design email templates, to sending out an interior design newsletter,email marketing for interior designers is effective. 

Any way you look at it, interior design email marketing works.

Objectives of email marketing

There are three major objectives that email marketing seeks to achieve:

  1. Building customer loyalty
  2. Increasing brand awareness
  3. Creating a sense of trust

In the world of interior designing, email marketing can play such a huge role in getting you the kind of clientele you have always wanted. 

With the help of email marketing, you can create a channel in which you can easily showcase your concepts and your designs and even speak about your ethos as an interior designer. 

You can also share news and reviews and tell potential customers all about your great ideas.

Check out our guide to Interior Designer Marketing to learn about other marketing channels you can use to grow.

Major interior design email marketing stats

If you want to take a closer look at why email marketing is essential to your interior design business, take a quick look at these statistics below:

  1. Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach customers. For more than 2.8 billion people worldwide, email figures as their main and most preferred communication tool. That is the kind of user base you are objectively working with when you use email marketing.
  2. Click-through rates are highest on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The return on investment (ROI) for email marketing is a super impressive $36 on every dollar spent. That much, much better than all the other digital marketing channels combined! That is why even with the emergence of newer channels of digital marketing, email marketing remains the king (or the queen if you will).
  3. The average open rate for email campaigns is about 21%. With the rise of segmenting and automation, the new-age email is like a lean, mean, marketing machine.
  4. About two-thirds of people who open an email will click on at least one link within it. It is also the most profitable – Year after year, even with the emergence of newer marketing channels, email marketing remains the most profitable digital marketing channel out there. In 2022 as well, email marketing has retained its position. This has resulted in more and more interior designers taking it up as a means to showcase their business and their talents to the world. Just make sure that your website ticks everything from the Interior Design Marketing Checklist to make sure many of those clicks turn into profit.
  5. The best time to send emails is between 8 am and 10 am EST. Now with the help of automation, as someone with an interior designing business, you can leverage this. You can make sure all your important emails with all the necessary information are sent out in this time period – or just make sure to redirect customers to a proper, well-designed landing page enriched with necessary interior design keywords for better SEO.
  6. More and more studies and surveys have shown that emails that include personalized messages have a higher response rate than those that don’t. Using the power of segmentation, you can include messages that can make the receiver feel like they are a part of an inner circle of clients.
  7. Emails with images are more likely to be opened than those without. This is a fact that works super well for owners of interior designing businesses. With the use of high-quality, high-definition, professional images, you can make sure that the person reading your email gets a very true sense of your designs, your ideas, and your creativity.
  8. Including a CTA (call to action) in your email increases the likelihood of a conversion. If your email is constructed well, and written keeping in mind important statistics about email marketing, the chances of your target audience interacting with your business increase manifold.

Now that you understand how important email marketing is, it might be worthwhile to do more research on creating email-based content that your target audience wants. 

If you are already busy with your interior designing projects, perhaps a digital marketing team can help create a roadmap for you that leads you to success.

Other important points about email marketing:

1. Email marketing allows you to fully utilize the power of subscriber segmentation

With this tool, you can carefully segregate your subscribers. How you segregate them is up to you. It could be based on whether they are a new client, old client or potential client. It could also be based on whether they have left you a good review or a bad review. 

Once you have segregated your subscriber base and segmented them in a preferable fashion, you can decide what kind of content a particular segment receives from your end.

To send across content that speaks to your customer base, you can use:

  • esearch, 
  • Insight into customer behavior, and 
  • Knowledge about customer preferences.

2. Email marketing is becoming more efficient

A study done on a massive, global scale shows that a whopping 77% of marketers have noticed an uptick in email engagement over the last one year

As an interior designer who might be establishing oneself, email marketing can work as an efficient means of letting people notice you. 

This is also a medium tailor-made to showcase your creative side. From HD photos of projects to renderings of spaces you are working on, you can create your interior designer email newsletter or even a newsletter for interior designers. 

A quick Google search will get you to a lot of interior design newsletter tips that will make the whole process simpler for you.

There are several tools you can use to help you create and send newsletters, such as HubSpot or ConvertKit.

3. Smartphone users prefer emails

Before you read about this phenomenal fact, think of how dependent you are on your smartphone. It is the center of your universe, isn’t it? 

Now read this: Smartphone users actually prefer to receive communications from their preferred brands via email. In fact, if you think about it, most of us have probably read and responded to an email on our phones today. That is a massive customer base!

4. You can use AI to create successful email campaigns

Like everything else in the tech world, email marketing is big on AI. Many companies are using artificial intelligence (AI) such as ChatGPTto make their email marketing plans ber, sharper, and a lot more personalized. 

Some of the things that AI can help with are coming up with catchy subject lines, predicting how a target is likely to respond to an email, and so on. 

AI can also provide insight into how to make an email more personal, how to make it more user-friendly, and even give an estimate as to when a viewer might want to unsubscribe.

As you can see, email marketing for interior design business can be game-changing for you. So contact us for web design, CRO (conversion rate optimization), and SEO (search engine optimization) services and see your business take off into the stratosphere.

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