Interior Designer Keywords: 30 That Actually Matter

8 Min Read

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If you’re an interior designer and want to set up your interior design business’ website for success, this article is for you. 

In this article, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about interior design keywords along with 30 keywords that you should aim to include in your website content.

Key Takeaways

  • Interior design keyword is a word or a phrase that internet users use while searching queries about interior design businesses.
  • Keywords are an integral part of search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization.
  • Using proper keywords might help potential clients find your website. 

What are interior design SEO keywords?

A keyword for interior design refers to a word or a phrase that internet users may use while performing search queries to find interior design businesses. 

For instance, ‘interior designer near me’ is a good example of an interior design keyword. 

An internet user may use this keyword to find out information about prominent interior designers in the vicinity.

Why are SEM and SEO keywords important for your interior design business?

Keywords are an integral part of two digital marketing processes – search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO)

In recent years, it has become important not just for interior design businesses, but for every type of business to include keywords on their websites. The reason for this is simple – search engines like Google and Yahoo find information based on users’ search queries

In their search queries, users typically include keywords like the one we mentioned in the previous section.

So, when you include keywords for interior design on your website, you increase its chances of being discovered by search engines. 

Quite simply, when you enhance your website’s discoverability, it will have more of a chance of being found by your target audience. In search engine marketing (SEM), keyword inclusion can help your target audience discover your paid ads as well. 

All in all, keywords are essential for making your target audience aware of your brand. They might even make your social media stand out! 

After all, if your audience isn’t aware of your interior design business, why would they even consider investing in its products and/or services?

How to find the best interior design SEO keywords for your website?

Next to email marketing and social media campaigns, SEO keywords are one of the most important things for your business. However, for your SEO campaign to be successful, you need to know which keywords to use.

To find the best SEO keywords for interior design, you need to invest in a process known as keyword research, which involves determining the keywords that would be most effective for your website. You can do keyword research through the use of tools such as:

  • Google Search Console: The Google Search Console tool will tell you about the existing interior design keywords in your website content that is facilitating its discovery. Setting up the tool is a bit complicated. However, once you get it up and running, you can see the search terms people are using to find your website in the queries section on the Performance page.
  • Keywords Everywhere: This is a plugin that you can use with popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox. It can provide you with an interior design keywords list directly on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). Even though this tool isn’t the most comprehensive, it’s a good way to quickly get to know the keywords that you should include in your website.
  • Google Ads Keyword Tool: If you want to find out the best PPC keywords for interior designers, there’s no tool better than this. However, there are some conditions for using this tool. For instance, for accurate monthly search volumes, you need an active running Google Ads campaign.
  • Semrush: From finding keywords for your interior design landing page to trying to improve your SEO strategy, Semrush might be the tool for you. Just keep in mind that the free version is quite limited, so get ready to pay a membership if you wish to get the best from this tool.  

One of the most important things you need to consider when searching for proper interior designer keywords is user intent. 

Keywords are more than just volume. Each has its own separate intent. 

For example, someone searching for keywords such as: 

  • Interior designers near me,
  • Interior design near me, or
  • Interior design company, is probably looking for someone to design their home.

Opposite of that, a person looking for:

  • Minimalistic interior design,
  • Living room design, or
  • Contemporary interior design, is probably just looking to get inspired by looking at some pictures. 

This is important to consider when choosing keywords for your website. While your reach might be high with either one of these keywords, you probably won’t get as many customers with one as you would with another.

How do I know what keywords are best for my website?

Ideally, you should aim for low-competition keywords for interior design. These are the keywords that your website can rank for without having a high domain rating (website authority) and too much link building. 

On the other hand, high-competition keywords can be difficult to rank as they’ve already been included by many others in the industry. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you should completely steer clear of high-competition keywords. Including high-competition keywords can result in two positives:

  • They can be helpful in terms of increasing the authority of your interior design business’ website.
  • They can be used to boost relevant pages that target low-competition keywords.

So, try and maintain a mix of high-competition and low-competition keywords.

Why don’t I just target as many keywords as possible?

You may be tempted to include as many interior design SEO keywords as possible across your website’s pages. However, this is a practice we strictly recommend against, as it can result in a situation known as keyword stuffing

Quite simply, it is the practice of excessive keyword use to increase a web page’s search engine ranking artificially. There was once a time when keyword stuffing worked, but those days are long gone.

Most search engine algorithms these days treat pages stuffed with keywords harshly, as keyword stuffing is considered an unethical SEO practice. 

Right now, only websites with malicious intent resort to keyword stuffing, and even then, the practice may be punished strictly. Sometimes, pages stuffed with keywords may be permanently removed from search engine rankings.

What are the most popular interior design keywords?

The following are among the most popular interior design keywords right now:

  • House interior (Low-competition, 2,400 average monthly searches)
  • Famous interior designers (Low-competition, 1,600 average monthly searches)
  • Interior design firms (Low-competition, 1,900 average monthly searches)
  • Interior design services (Medium-competition, 1,000 average monthly searches)
  • Restaurant interior design (Medium-competition, 1,300 average monthly searches)
  • Commercial interior design (Medium-competition, 1,300 average monthly searches)
  • Interior design company (Medium-competition, 1,600 average monthly searches)
  • Interior design near me (Medium-competition, 1,900 average monthly searches)
  • Interior design (Medium-competition, 110,000 average monthly searches)
  • Interior designers (Medium-competition, 6,600 average monthly searches)
  • Home interior (High-competition, 27,100 average monthly searches)
  • Interior designers near me (High-competition, 18,100 average monthly searches)
  • Interior decoration (High-competition, 14,800 average monthly searches)
  • Living room design (High-competition, 12,100 average monthly searches)
  • Living room interior design (High-competition, 2,900 average monthly searches)
  • Bedroom interior design (High-competition, 2,400 average monthly searches)
  • House interior design (High-competition, 2,900 average monthly searches)
  • Modern interior design (High-competition, 4,400 average monthly searches)
  • Home interior design (High-competition, 6,600 average monthly searches)
  • Kitchen interior design (High-competition, 1,900 average monthly searches)
  • Interior design websites (High-competition, 2,900 average monthly searches)
  • Office interior design (High-competition, 1,900 average monthly searches)
  • Contemporary interior design (High-competition, 1,900 average monthly searches)
  • Industrial interior design (High-competition, 1,600 average monthly searches)
  • Minimalist interior design (High-competition, 1,600 average monthly searches)
  • Modern interior (High-competition, 1,600 average monthly searches)
  • Interior home decoration (High-competition, 2,400 average monthly searches)
  • Art deco interior design (High-competition, 1,600 average monthly searches)
  • Rustic interior design (High-competition, 1,600 average monthly searches)
  • Japanese interior design (High-competition, 1,300 average monthly searches)

Read our Guide to Marketing an Interior Design Business to learn about other growth channels.

How to use the best SEO keywords for interior design in your website content?

If you want to include the most searched keywords for interior design, we recommend including them naturally. 

Natural keyword inclusion refers to including keywords in such a way that it doesn’t sound artificial when spoken out loud. To do this, you need to ensure sufficient spacing between keywords. 

Quite simply, if the keywords aren’t spaced out, your website content will make for terrible reading. Additionally, your website may also be penalized for keyword stuffing.

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