The Guide to Paid Ads for Interior Designers

7 Min Read

Ready to hit your marketing goals?

If you own an interior design service, you must make efforts to advertise it. After all, wouldn’t you want your business to be discovered by your target audience?

In this article, we’ll take you through all the steps you need to take to master ads for interior designers. 

So, without any further delay, let’s get right into it!

Key Takeaways

  • Paid ads are one of the most common ways interior designers can advertise their business. 
  • The most common platforms for ads for interior designers are Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.
  • Other channels Like SEO, email, and social might be more valuable than paid ads in certain situations.

Are Paid Ads For Interior Designers Worth It?

Paid ads seem like the first step of advertisement, no matter the business. Interior design, as a career that mostly depends on the internet nowadays, seems like it could benefit from this type of marketing.

However, for ads for interior designers to be worth it, you need to know what you are doing. You cannot just pay for a random ad and hope for the best. 

There are several things you need to do before you start your paid campaign, and this includes:

  • Researching your audience.
  • Investing in a good tool, such as Semrush or Supermetrics, that will help you keep track of relevant terms and keywords
  • Making a good marketing plan, so you will know what your next step is. 

Of course, for paid ads for interior designers to pay off, you need to learn some basics. Here’s what they are:

Major Advertising Services

In terms of paid interior designer advertising services, there are 4 options you can explore:

  • Facebook Ads,
  • Google Ads,
  • Pinterest Ads, and
  • Youtube Ads.

If you’re operating on a tight advertising budget, you should definitely invest in 1 or 2 of these services. However, if your budget permits, we recommend investing in all 4.

Facebook Ads

If advertising creativity is your prime concern, look no further than Facebook Ads for interior designers. 

Some of the benefits of Facebook Ads include:

  • Businesses can set custom audiences for each interior designer advertising campaign.
  • They can drive traffic from not just Facebook users, but from Instagram users as well (since Facebook owns Instagram).
  • High on affordability.
  • Setting up campaigns is effortless and they can deliver desired results rapidly.
  • Campaigns can be measured and tracked through the use of Facebook Pixel.
  • Custom call-to-action (CTA) messages.

Great for audience retargeting.

Google Ads

Google Ads for interior designers help you catch customers when they are most vulnerable.

Google is the world’s biggest search engine and it also is the parent company of the largest video streaming platform in the world – YouTube. 

So, it would be stupid to ignore the incredible potential that Google Ads for interior designers has to offer. 

It’s one of the biggest aspects of search engine marketing or SEM for interior designers right now.

 Benefits of Google Ads include:

  • Targeted ads based on location, keywords, devices, days, frequency, time, age, location, and language.
  • A variety of tools for managing campaigns and measuring their progress.
  • Cost-control mechanisms in place to help you keep a check on how much you spend on your interior designer PPC ads.

Pinterest Ads

Pinterest Ads for interior designers let you find people looking for inspiration.

Pinterest’s user base may not be as vast as Google’s or Facebook’s, but the platform is still a great place to display interior designer ads. 

Some of the benefits of Pinterest Ads for interior designers include:

  • They can help you make the most of Pinterest users’ higher purchase intent and engagement.
  • Capitalize on Pinterest’s quality of generating demand.
  • Great for driving traffic due to more than 2 billion monthly searches.
  • Promote evergreen content and enhance brand engagement.

YouTube Ads

Last but not least, you should also consider YouTube Ads for interior designers. While you can target YouTube audiences through Google Ads, if you want to exclusively target YouTube users, YouTube Ads is the way to go. 

The benefits of YouTube Ads include:

  • Establish connections with your interior design business’ target audience.
  • Measure and track your campaigns through YouTube Analytics and Google Ads.
  • Set up ads for interior designers in a matter of minutes.
  • Reach audiences based on demographics, keywords, and/or topics.

Maintain Positive ROI

If you’re handling your business’ advertising all by yourself, it can be hard to keep track of return on investment (ROI), which is also known as return on ad spend (ROAS) in advertising terms. 

This is where an interior designer ad agency can be effective by ensuring the following things to maintain positive ROAS:

  • Optimizing your business’ landing pages.
  • Reviewing tracking accuracy.
  • Refreshing ads at the right time to steer clear of ad fatigue.
  • Setting up retargeting campaigns.
  • Improving audience targeting.
  • Lowering ad costs.
  • Increasing average purchase value.

Check out our guide to Interior Design Marketing to learn about other marketing channels you can use to grow.

Make Sure Your Interior Designer Ads Contain a Call to Action

No matter how good your ads are, without call-to-action messages, they’ll remain incomplete. 

Here are some reasons that underline the importance of call-to-action or CTA messages:

  • They tell customers what to do next, i.e. they’re a vital part of the buyer’s journey.
  • Modern-day customers expect CTA messages in the form of buttons. Without them, your target audience will not feel motivated to buy your products and/or services.
  • CTA messages can be the difference between the success and failure of your digital advertising campaign.

An interior design advertising specialist can help you come up with suitable CTA messages aligned with your business.

A/B Test Your Ads

A/B testing or split testing refers to the practice of comparing different versions of advertisements. 

A/B testing aims to determine the advertisements that deliver better results

Typically, A/B testing involves offering different versions of an advertisement to distinct groups. Their receptions among the distinct groups are then compared to figure out the better version. 

A/B testing helps you understand the different advertisement elements that work for your target audience and the ones that don’t.

Expect to Spend a Lot of Money at First 

While most paid ad platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads give businesses full control over how much they spend, the truth is that you may have to spend a lot of money initially. This is because these ad platforms take time to reach audiences

For example, the audience reached by your Google Ads campaign first may not be your target audience. 

In such a scenario, the campaign needs to keep going for a longer time before it finally finds your target audience, i.e. an audience whose members are likely to buy your products and/or services.

Other Channels Might Be More Valuable than Paid Ads

Sure, paid ad campaigns can be incredibly effective. However, if your ad budget is limited, you may consider other advertising options such as search engine optimization (SEO)email marketing, and social media marketing

These options tend to be significantly cheaper than paid ads and can pay dividends in the long run. 

For instance, effective SEO practices can boost your pages’ rankings on search engines and make your brand more discoverable.

Also, having a properly designed website helps reach more customers and increase your reliability.

If you’d like to make the most of your ad campaign, contact us to get your free marketing plan!

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